
The Best Venues to Celebrate St Patrick’s Day

Find out about the best St Patrick’s Day celebrations in The Midlands, and also your chance to WIN 4 pints of Guinness from our featured Irish Pub, Duffy’s Bar in Leicester!

Fun Facts about all things Irish

  1. There is no such thing as Leprechauns in Ireland. so afraid there are no crocks of gold at the end of a rainbow. You can blame Disney for this one.
  2. Ballygally Castle in County Antrim, currently a hotel, is allegedly one of the most haunted places in Ireland.
  3. The longest place name in Ireland is Muckanaghederdauhaulia, in County Galway.
  4. Saint Patrick isn’t just the patron saint of Ireland, he is also a patron saint of Nigeria.
  5. Apparently, Ireland is the only country in the world where windmills turn in a clockwise direction.
  6. Ireland is the only country in the world which has a musical instrument as their national symbol. The Irish Harp
  7. The Irish are the biggest tea drinkers in the world, consuming 1,184 cups per person per year. Yes, you did read that correctly. They are the biggest tea drinkers but come in fourth place on the world stage when it comes to alcohol consumption.


Who was St Patrick?

St Patrick lived back in 4th Century Britain, where he was kidnapped by pirates and taken to Ireland to live as a slave. He eventually escaped and returned home where he became a priest. After some time went back to Ireland as a missionary and went on to become one of the patron saints of Ireland.


St Patrick has a lot to answer for!

Little could he have guessed that all these years later he and Irish culture would be celebrated globally every year.  And it’s not just those with Irish ancestry who take part, people from all backgrounds dress in Irish colours, and attend parades and other celebratory events across the globe. Although these days the celebrations are very much commercially driven.


St Patrick's Day Celebrations


For many of us, it’s the perfect excuse to put on a green leprechaun hat and guzzle endless pints of Guinness in our favourite Irish pub.

Did you know that 1.8 billion pints of Guinness are sold each year around the world!

St Patricks Day Celebrations Near You

And if all this isn’t reason enough to celebrate, St Patrick’s Day 2018 has something even more to celebrate as Ireland take on England in the Six Nations

Here at Snizl weve put together a listing of some of the best celebrations in the midlands.

Meet Leicester’s Favourite Irish Publican – Duffy’s Bar


For more events at venues in your local area see Snizl

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