The New Walk Museum and Art Gallery are hosting their first Star Wars Exhibition with some of the UK’s finest collections of original Star Wars toys and posters, and it’s out of this galaxy!
The Star Wars series was, and still is, a cultural phenomenon. It first appeared back in 1977 and captured millions of people all around the globe into the complex story of the Rebels, The Jedis and had us reeled in at the question of “Who is Anakin Skywalkers father?”. Kids today probably think the very first movies are outdated with rubbish special effects but when they first debuted in cinemas, the picture on-screen was way before it’s time, striking audiences with how real it all looked!The first film “Star Wars: A New Hope” took off and within just months became the highest grossing film of all time – up until SFX improved. But, even till this day, “The Force Awakens” sits comfortably third alongside Titanic and Avatar two brilliant classics – yet not at all as iconic. The obsession with the sci-fi story meant it wasn’t unusual for fans, no matter their age, to collect posters, toys and souvenirs of every character in the plot.
May The Toys Be With You is both a celebration of the now highly collectable vintage toy line and also of the iconic design work and art of the Star Wars movies. For children and ‘kidult’ fanatics, there will be lightsabers to see, mini R2D2’s (vintage or modern) and hundreds of Star Wars action figures which have been collected for over 40 years!Nowadays fans of the saga can find pretty much anything bearing the Star Wars brand. Fishing equipment? Check. Toaster? Check. Darth Vader Themed Car? Check. So, Disney was right to buy it! There are literally endless amounts of timeless Star Wars clobber to clog up your bedroom shelves in because it’s been #1 in the toy market over the entire 40 year period.
Go and Visit!
Ongoing for over 4 months from the 21 July up until 28 October; you can visit and visit again so you won’t miss a thing! The New walk Museum will also be hosting a competition for the best Star Wars themed fancy dress, so dig out that Wookie outfit from your loft and do your best Chewbacca impression (oowoo) as the winner will be in for an exclusive treat! Excited I am.
For more information about this event, head over to Snizl, to visit for yourself!