Snizl HQ

3 Cheers for Dog Appreciation Day

It’s an old age debate and one that doesn’t look set to be settled any time soon; cats or dogs? There have even been friendships and relationships ended over the wrong answer to the ‘are you a dog or a cat person’ question.

But here at Snizl, we just love animals. Over the last two years, we have been in partnership with the RSPCA and have been supporting their Leicester Woodside animal centre. By hosting a live feed on our Snizl site, we aim to help find forever homes for unwanted pets in need of some love.

By signing up on our site, you can get notified when a new pet becomes available and get all our other updates about events, deals and competitions too!

And while we do love all animals, right now we’re giving a moment to dogs, as August 26th marks Dog Appreciation Day! And man’s love of dog dates way back. During early human settlements, people kept wolves as companions to provide protection and help with hunting. As time went on and humans started to keep wolves from puppies, they eventually evolved into dogs.

When it comes to the modern-day dog, some prefer certain breeds and you may be interested to know that it could be for primal reasons. Big dogs were originally kept for protection and hunting while small dogs were kept as companions or playmates for children. Of course, now there are other reasons when considering which kind of dog is your favourite, such as how much space they’ll need, how high maintenance they’re likely to be and the obvious; which you find cutest.

And while the cats vs dogs debate continues, it’s clear that dogs remain on top with 74% of people saying they like dogs a lot and only 41% saying they like cats a lot. The likely reason that so many people love dogs is because of their devout loyalty. This comes from the way that they evolved; a combination of the two species, man and wolf. Dogs feel a devout love to humans because they literally see them as part of their ancestory!

So whether you have a dog or you just enjoy watching funny dog videos on YouTube (the dog blanket challenge and the snoot challenge are current favourites), be sure to show your appreciation on Dog Appreciation Day!

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