The panic and height of the pandemic is slowly but surely coming to an end with normality finally on the horizon. And then all of a sudden, the kids are home for the Summer Holidays! You may have exhausted all of the toys and activities to do at home while you were on lockdown. But, not to worry. We’ve created the Summer Bucket List for 2020. Presenting you with a collection of activities perfect for the 6 weeks holiday.
There’s no time like the present to create a Summer Bucket List for 2020, an opportunity to learn and teach lessons, create memories and much more!
Throw a small get-together
Abiding by social distancing practices, get your household and social bubble out into the garden and enjoy a small get together. Play cards and pump the paddling pool up for the children. Layout a simple food spread and prepare Pimms in a jug. It’ll give you something to look forward to and its a chance to reconnect with the people you were in lockdown with now that restrictions are being lifted.
Make a den
Foraging and rambling through woods is a great way to spend a British summer day. Collect branches, sticks and logs to create an outdoor den. It’ll send their imaginations wild and it’s a great activity to do that costs nothing. We’re so lucky to live next to enchanting forests and woods here in the UK, so make the most of it!

Go on bike rides
We know Bike Month 2020 has been and gone, but that doesn’t mean you have to store in the garage for next year. Push your self, stay fit and keep up the momentum with a couple of bike rides during the Summer holidays.
Go walking and hiking
The UK is famous for some of the most scenic walks in the whole of Europe. Go and see what all of the fuss is about and venture through some of Britain’s great walks. If you’d like to know more about where to walk this Summer, visit the Redbull website listing the 10 best one-day hikes in the UK. For a list of walks that are smaller-leg friendly, visit the National Trust listing Top 10 Family Walks.

Socially distanced garage sale
Have some stuff that’s in good condition hanging around and want to earn a little bit of cash? Why not throw a socially distanced garage sale! Car boots and auctions are closed but it doesn’t mean you can’t take the opportunity to catch dog walkers and shop-goers and make a few quid off some of the stuff laying around in your garage. Lay everything out on the front garden or a table, ask customers to put their (strictly) change in a pot after buying something and wash it all when you’re finished for the day!
Go on picnics
The month of July is National Picnic Month, so there’s really not a better time to get your most favourite snacks together in a traditional style wicker basket and set out to one of the UK’s Perfect Places to Picnic!
Wash the car
Skip the car wash (not if its an independently run business though of course) fill a bucket full of warm water, add some soap and a couple of sponges and wash the car! Make a deal with the kids and give them the opportunity to earn extra for this weeks pocket money.

Go sailing
There are many places to go sailing on freshwater. It’s plenty of fun and perfect for hot weather. If you’d like to go row boating for under £5 visit the Snizl website.
Go camping
Sleeping under the stars melting marshmallows over a fire you built yourself has to be one of the best feelings ever. You can tell stories, share jokes and listen to the world around you while snuggled up warm in a sleeping bag. Camping really is one of the best ways to spend a summer night and we think it’s the perfect bucket list activity to do with people close to you.

Pick fresh flowers and fruit
Despite the pandemic, there are plenty of fruit picking fields open. Just head over to google and do a quick search. As for flower picking, you barely have to spend a penny. Head to a local park and challenge the children or your friends to find 5 different types of flower. It’s an exciting activity which will make a lovely decoration for your bedroom!
Do some outdoor DIY
DIY is something that should be on everyone’s bucket list! And, seeing as though it’s Summer, why not spend the day with your back to the sun and bring something that was once boring and dull to life. You could paint a rainbow on the garden fence, colour in the slabs with chalk, hang paper oragami off the tree, the choice is yours!
Read a book in a park
Bucket list activities don’t have to be thrilling, different and exciting (well, not all the time anyway) sometimes, it’s important to have simple activities on your bucket list. Something that combines two of your favourite things which makes you go, “ahh, that was nice”.
Reading in your local park is one of these relaxing, wholesome simplicities that people forget they have access too. Take your favourite book, or one you’re in the process of reading, head to a quiet spot in a park with a blanket and settle down for a couple of hours and enjoy getting stuck into the imaginative world of literature. It’s the little things like these which make us appreciate life – a day well spent.

Make ice lollies
Making ice lollies aren’t just great for those boiling days the UK sometimes are lucky enough to see, but they’re also great to do for the kids in the family. It’s an exciting activity with a tasty reward at the end and a valuable lesson in patience.
Be a tourist for the day
It’s almost certain we all live near a piece of interesting history. Type in your town or city on Wikipedia and learn something new about the very place you’ve lived for all those years. Why not be a tourist for the day and go and really see your local area, the history of it, the old buildings and architecture, it’ll surprise you what you’ve learnt.
Watch the sunset
Watching the sunset is something that should be included in every Sumer bucket list. It’s simple yet beautiful.
Go swimming in freshwater
Most people are pretty secretive about freshwater swimming spots, one reason being that they don’t want to over-populate it and the other being that people don’t want the higher risk of an accident. But, if you take a responsible adult with you and stay vigilant, swimming in freshwater can make the UK feel like a country abroad. Type it in on google and see if you can find somewhere local! Take a towel, some suncream, snacks and water and make a day of swimming and relaxing by a lake. A personal favourite on the Summer Bucket List.

Book a last-minute summer retreat
For this, check out our blog listing UK Summer Holiday Ideas. From booking a place with your pals through Airbnb to caravanning, we’ve listed every holiday option to do if you’re not going abroad this year.
Make a scrapbook
Printed pictures are going out of fashion and in some ways, it is a shame. Free prints let you print pictures directly from your phone, all you have to do is pay for postage! So, why not order a large scrapbook, get some of your most favourite pictures from throughout summer or the first half or 2020, and create a scrapbook. It’s one of those timeless things that you can pull out at any special occasion and definitely one of our favourites on the Summer Bucket List.
Get Free prints today on Snizl.
Other Summer Bucket List ideas
Can you think of any other Bucket List ideas you want to do before the end of 2020? Comment below!