“It’s so magical mum!” a little girl in a pink woolly hat said in the queue in front of me. And that’s exactly what it was. Without being too cliche, Friday evening was like something out of a movie. Having listed the destinations of the Coca-Cola Truck on our website, the Snizl team wanted to experience it first hand and it definitely lived up to our expectations.

Approaching the busy Retail Park I could hear a bustling crowd and someone cheerfully talking through a mic and speakers to the audience, encouraging them to take photographs of their family members and the truck itself. As I got closer it was hard to miss, the colour red is truly deeper and more festive in person and I was immediately filled with joy. Like many, it was my first time visiting the famous truck of 20 years, it has so much history and it brings so much festivity, I was having a hard time keeping my excitement in.
Families and couples were greeted by joyful Coca-Cola Christmas helpers giving their best grins, despite the bitter cold. I guess its an important part of the visit to spread joy, and ‘taste the feeling’ and I could tell they were happy to be there. It’s an iconic part of Christmas after all so who wouldn’t want to be a part of it. I ended up chatting with a helper there, Harry. He was very generous with the ‘Free Coke’ vouchers telling me “It’s honestly a great part of the holidays, it brings everyone closer and because its free, it feels good to just give” I then asked for a selfie which he was more than happy to get in on.

As I got in line for my picture with the truck itself, I had a moment to look around and take everything in. Children were laughing and giggling. Couples were kissing and holding hands and families were talking and taking pictures. Then, I was offered the choice of Diet Coke or Coke Zero which she cracked open for me with the bottom of another can and passed me 10 more vouchers for the team back here at Snizl to use.

The whole experience was getting better and better, and I was still just in the waiting line! All of a sudden foam snow started falling from the sky out of a projector and children and babies were mesmerised, temporarily taking the attention away from their cold hands. Then it was time, I was given the choice of 3 podiums to stand on to get as close as possible to the truck and get a picture. I happened to be talking to the manager there who gave me an exclusive tour around the front of the truck after I told him about Snizl and what it offers customers!

Andrea Bennett from Carlton said “I love Christmas and I’ve never been to see the Coca-Cola Christmas Truck before, so this year I bought the family and it was well worth it. Just in time and it marks the Christmas holidays perfectly.” Andrea has lived in Nottingham for over 17 years and this is the first time visiting the truck. Along with everyone else, she was pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed by the size, lights and festivity it beams.
If you haven’t visited the Coca-Cola truck yet and you want too, there’s still time until the 17th December, to see where the truck will be next, click here this will take you through to the website and tour dates!

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