January is a time for many things, cleaning the fridge, putting the heating on full blast, attempting Dry January until around the 17th day of the month and, of course, Veganuary!
We’re big believers in the fact that if you feel deep down you want to do something for the greater good, you should certainly give it a go.
Going vegan isn’t difficult, nor is it a tasteless, lettuce based diet as some naively predict.
Going vegan can be exciting, full of flavour and will leave you feeling like you’re making positive changes in your life and to the world around you.
Veganuary Vids
Below are a set of TikTok videos from plant-based accounts. We hope to spread awareness of the types of delicious meals you can create with a strictly no meat policy!
Yum! So what do you think? Do these accounts inspire you? Make your mouth water? Will you attempt Veganuary this year – Better late than never!
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