Valentine’s day is coming up thick and fast and to be honest, for the people in relationships, it must be something to look forward to. For the people who aren’t though – not to worry, you can do the majority of the activities listed below even if it’s just you.
With 2020 well and truly over although harsher restrictions to save the NHS, you should prepare for an at-home Valentines Day. Yes, you may be sick of the sight of your partner and the 4-walls surrounding you but I’m sure the list below will spark some inspiration and excitement, so that when the 14th comes to an end, you’ll be fondly reminded you why you chose to spend nearly a year of your life under each others nose in the first place (lol).
Side Note: We just want to remind everyone that there will be more adventurous Valentine’s Days to come. We understand it’s hard for everyone right now but please hang in there – it will be worth it!
We aim to inspire, inject fun and take you away from Netflix for a couple of hours this Valentine’s Day so keep reading!
Men/ partners/the other half – heads up!
Firstly though, an announcement and an early enough heads up to avoid disappointment and last-minute stress – There are NO walk-in flower shops open in January (due to Tier 5), this means there may not be any in Febuary. Don’t wait and face the god awful dread of all delivery slots booked up, find a florist which offers collection and has delivery slots for around the 14th February!
Have a romantic indoor picnic on the floor
Ever heard of a bitsa? Bitsta’ this bitsa’ that. It’s an indoor picnic essentially, an spread full of finger food and ‘help your self’ food. And everyone loves a picnic!
Why not make platters containing your partner’s favourite sandwiches, wraps, seafood and other savoury treats. You could even enjoy a sushi platter and have all of your favourite sushi laid out in the kitchen. It’s a great way to try all different kinds of miniature foods which you both enjoy – fun and tasty, bonus!

Enjoy an evening of cocktail making
Although Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday, so what! The year’s been difficult enough without having to restrict when you treat yourself to a gin or a passionfruit martini. Besides, it’s a special occasion!
Celebrating dry January? Leave the alcohol out and make some deliciously fruity mocktails.

Play Adult Games
A good old game can help you bond better and laugh together. To break the evening up, why not play a round of Rascals Mr & Mrs. This game will really test how well you know your partner, containing over 300 questions!

Do a mini Come Dine With Me Day
For the whole Sunday, why not alternate who cooks the meals and then make it exciting by rating the dish out of 10. This is another great way of making mealtimes on Valentine’s Day fun when you might usually be at a restaurant to celebrate.

Paint each other
This is a great idea which you probably haven’t of thought of. Painting can be therapeutic and doing it with your favourite person may open a whole new avenue in terms of a new hobby. Or, you may end up insulting one another then having a paint fight. Whatever the outcome – it’ll be fun, and a great way to spend Valentine’s Day at home.
Spend the evening in the garden with wine around the firepit
Or, in the front room, around the electric fire. With the lights turned low and your most favourite Italian wine – it’s guaranteed to be romantic, no matter the kind of heat emission in you’re laid in front of.

Do that TikTok trend
Something fun for relationships of all ages, the Tik Tok snacks trend. This is where you and your partner both get a selection of what you think is their favourite snacks and drinks and reveal them to one another on valentine’s Day one by one, discussing if it’s right or wrong and why you thought it was this particular snack. Crisps, drinks, sweets, chocolate, a savoury snack and a punnet of fruit.
It’s great fun and you’ll learn something, if insignificant, about your partner – plus you get to stock your cupboards with snacks after.
(please try and stick to government restrictions and pick up one or two snacks on your essential shopping trip to the supermarket over the next couple of weeks).

We hope our list inspired you to do something fun this Valentine’s Day – and indoors – as of course, we all want to enjoy Summer 2021 and the only way we’re going to do that is to support the NHS and be vigilant.
Have a fantastic Valentine’s Day and comment below your favourite idea and if you think we’ve missed any!