The kids are back in just over a week (maybe two depending on where you are in the UK – hang in there!) and we understand that it’s been a stressful few months. Life has changed as we know it but we want to make this important transition go as smoothly as possible, so, for the parents and children, we’ve lined up 10 Tips for Preparing to go Back To School!
Start a morning schedule
It’s important that for parents and children, that you have a schedule that’s clear. Letting the whole family know what time they need to be up, ready and dressed will give your household a sense of structure, making mornings before going Back To School that little bit easier.
Prepare a healthy packed lunch
Preparing a delicious, energy-filled, yet healthy packed lunch is essential for when the time comes to send the kids Back To School. You should try and include energy-boosting options such as fruit, plenty of drinking water (and don’t forget a small treat, such as yoghurt or a biscuit).
Read more about deliciously good, healthy packed lunches in the Good To Know blog.

Eat a wholesome, filling breakfast
You know what they say – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, it’s vital you serve up a delicious, wholesome, energy-packed breakfast for everyone in the family. Maybe the routine has been a little off throughout lockdown, but now is the time for everyone to get their diets back on track, and starting with breakfast is the best way.
Check out healthy breakfast recipies at BBC Good Food.
Plan your route to school
Sitting with the kids and planning the route to school is a nice little bonding task, and will give you peace of mind that they know where they’re going! Whether that be walking, or catching the bus, it’s daunting travelling to school for the first time. So, make sure you plan the journey with the kids so they feel safe, and that you know how long the journey takes ensuring they’re not late.

Prepare uniform the night before
Uniform should be washed and ironed in preparation for going Back To School. Not only is it school rules to have a uniform in great condition but it’ll also boost your child’s confidence, and confidence on their first day is something that starts from home.
Create dedicated homework slots in the evening
Students, you do know that teachers don’t hand out homework to be cruel! They hand out homework to help your learning progress faster. So, as a family it’s important you prioritise time for it. Therefore, introducing dedicated homework slots in the evening after school a couple of times a week will benefit and help to learn more effectively throughout the school year.
Stick to a specific bedtime
Getting plenty of sleep is essential for children and parents alike! It’s a time for children’s brains to grow, rest and reset. As for adults, well, we need it to be the very best parents we can be! So, it’s important to ensure there’s a specific bedtime during the week for everyone.
Read in the evenings
Reading in the evenings can relax not only the children after a stressful first day/week back, but it will help to relax you. It’s also a great time to incorporate books which they may have read in school, ask them questions about their day and have conversations about any worries they may have about their new year in school.

Set chill-time
After homework, laying out uniform and eating a healthy nutritious dinner, allow for 30 mins to an hour of free time for the kids (and for yourself). Let them play on iPads while you wash the dishes. Allow for 30 mins of video gaming while you have a bath. It’s OK to allow for this chill-time, especially seeing as though it’s the first week back at school!
Stock up on school supplies
Sending them to school with fresh new supplies may be harder for some families than others, so, on Snizl all September, we’re working with independent businesses to post the best Deals on school supplies for going Back To School. Look out for discounts and sales on some of the very best equipment to help them get the most out of education.
You can also enter these exciting Competitions below to WIN a Boy and Girls Back To School Smiggle Bundle – and guess what, they’re absolutely FREE to enter!