
5 Top Tips on using Competitions Successfully

At snizl, we have hosted hundreds of competitions and have gained some valuable insights into the best practices to use. I would like to share this wealth of knowledge with all of you lovely businesses out there, so here are my Top Tips

1. Choosing a prize

Ideally, the prize should be something related to your business. This will ensure that most people entering your competition are your target audience. You could even offer one of your own products or services. By doing this you’re not just offering an incentive, but also turning your competition into an advertisement for your brands’ products and services.

For example, if you are a Chocolatier, giving one of your latest products as a prize is a perfect way to advertise your brand.



2.  Diversify

Just because a particular prize was successful in your previous competition doesn’t mean you should always offer the same prize. Subconsciously it’s value will diminish if repeated too often. Instead, diversify your prizes with each competition, thereby keeping its uniqueness and allure.

3.  Be Seasonal

Seasonal prizes allow you to tie into other calendar campaigns you have going on, as well as being able to be more creative with your prize choices

At Snizl we have found this to be very successful with our Easter, Father’s Day, and Summer Campaigns,  to name just a few.

4.  Value

A Valuable prize resulting in lots of entries and engagement doesn’t necessarily mean extremely expensive. One of your handmade soft toys from your crochet business can generate as much interest as say an iPad.


business growth

5.  Create a positive user experience

No matter how amazing your prize is, people will only enter your competition if, firstly it’s easy to find, and secondly, it’s trustworthy and user-friendly. When hosting your competition on snizl you can be sure that your competition will be seen, and the user will have a hassle free positive experience.

Join Snizl today – and post your first Competition for FREE!

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