How good does a four-day working week sound? For three million UK workers, a shorter working week is on the cards.
After the pandemic, a fifth of UK companies are considering bringing in these shorter working weeks as organisations consider better flexibility after workplace changes due to COVID.
The change in attitudes towards the 9-5, 5 days a week working style stems from a large proportion of the nation working from home and realising to get the job done, lengthy, 40 hour weeks just aren’t necessary.

“In the same way that the weekend and the 40-hour week was won nearly a century ago, the time has now come for a four-day, 32-hour working week for all.
“The Covid pandemic has effectively killed off the 9-5, 5-day working week.”
Will Stronge, Director of Research at Autonomy, said: “All the evidence shows that moving to a four-day week is a win-win for both employers and workers – and this is why we’re seeing increasing adoption across sectors.
“The best way to create a better world of work after Covid is by addressing how we work at the shop floor level. Going for a four-day working week would bring huge benefits to workers’ mental health, which directly feeds into firm performance.”
4 Day Week Campaign
Joe Ryle
It’s not just the UK…
Germany’s biggest trade union, IG Metall, agreed to a 2.3% wage increase which is to be paid either in full or as part of a switch to a four-day week, meaning that 3.9 million engineering and metalworkers will be making the move.
As for Spain, their government approved a national-level pilot of the scheme last month as an optional initiative to all companies who are willing to take part.

So, the question is, can you see yourself working a 4 day week?
As Lockdown ends, we have a feeling talks about the dynamic of the working week will become more and more apparent. So, the question is, how do you feel about it all?
Will you welcome change? Or will you find it hard to shift a dedicated work ethic which has taken decades to settle into?
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